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Invasive species surveillance has typically been targeted to where the species is most likely to occur. However, spatially varying environmental characteristics and land uses may affect more than just the probability of occurrence. Biodiversity or economic value, and the ease of detection and control are also likely to vary. We incorporate these factors into a detection and treatment model of a low-density invader to determine the surveillance strategy that minimizes expected management costs. Sites with a high probability of invader occurrence and great benefits associated with detection warrant intensive surveillance; however, the optimum investment is a nonlinear function of these factors. Environments where the invader is relatively easy to detect are prioritized for surveillance, although only a moderate investment is necessary to ensure a high probability of detection. Intensive surveillance effort may be allocated to other sites if the probability of occurrence, budget and/or expected benefits is sufficiently high.  相似文献   
土壤活性有机质及其与土壤质量的关系   总被引:88,自引:2,他引:86  
活性有机质是土壤的重要组成部分 ,主要包括溶解性有机碳、微生物生物量、轻组有机质。它在土壤中具有重要作用 :(1)可以表征土壤物质循环特征、评价土壤质量 ,可以作为土壤潜在生产力以及由土壤管理措施引起土壤有机质变化的早期指标 ;(2 )在养分周转中起重要作用 ,是植物的养分库 ,可以提供植物所需要的养分如氮、磷、硫等 ;(3)能稳定土壤结构 ,对维持团粒结构稳定性有重要作用。从土壤养分、土壤物理、化学性质方面讨论了活性有机质与土壤质量的关系。土壤中的溶解性有机碳、微生物生物量碳氮含量与土壤有机碳、全氮和碱解氮等物质的含量呈正相关。活性有机质受土壤质地、含水量、温度等因素影响 ,与土壤酸碱度、阳离子交换量等也有关。土壤微生物生物量碳和微生物量 C/有机碳比与土壤粘粒、粉粒含量呈正相关、与砂粒含量呈负相关  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区主要林分生物量及营养元素生物循环特征   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:29  
以黄土丘陵区子午岭为研究区域 ,用标准木法和收获法对暖温带森林优势群落辽东栎林、油松林及刺槐人工林的生物量、营养元素生物循环量及循环特征进行了研究。结果表明 :黄土丘陵区子午岭油松林、辽东栎林和刺槐人工林 3林分总生物量为 :86 .2 4 7、12 9.0 0 5 t/ hm2和 14 4 .795 t/ hm2 ,乔木层生物量分别为 :85 .2 2 3、12 6 .989t/ hm2和 14 2 .4 88t/ hm2 ,随群落针阔树种转化替代 ,群落总生物量呈现明显的增加趋势。年均生长量为 3.2 75~ 5 .6 99t/ hm2。生物量和年生长量排序为刺槐人工林 >辽东栎林 >油松林。 3林分林下植被层生物量、凋落物贮量表现为刺槐林 >辽东栎林 >油松林 ,林下植被层生物量的差异主要是由林分郁闭度和林下凋落物的不同引起的 ;刺槐林和辽东栎林林下植被层发达的根系和较高的凋落物量有利于提高土壤肥力、保持水土。同化器官的各种元素含量高于其它器官 ,茎中营养元素的含量最低。乔木层营养元素积累量分别为 :0 .74 5、1.378t/ hm2和 1.80 5 t/ hm2 。不同林分不同营养元素的积累量差别较大。因采伐而引起的 3林分林地养分流失量分别达 6 5 .4 5 %、5 3.76 %和 2 5 .1%。 3林分林下植被层和凋落物层的营养元素积累量排序为 :刺槐林 >辽东栎林 >油松林。凋落物营养元素贮  相似文献   
刘凤红  刘建  董鸣 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3415-3419
克隆植物根据其构型可以分为游击型和密集型。游击型克隆植物的间隔子长,分株在水平空间的扩展范围大,可以利用更大空间范围内的资源,其通过克隆生理整合作用发生的非局部反应的能力强。由此可以得出的推论之一是,小生境斑块的环境发生变化,生长于其中的密集型克隆植物的反应可能会更灵敏。这种反应可能会体现在生物量以及配置格局的变化上。以毛乌素地区沙生半灌木群落中两种优势克隆植物羊柴(H edy sarum laeve)和油蒿(A rtem isia ord osica)为研究对象,前者是典型的游击型克隆植物,后者是密集型克隆植物。采取野外调查的方式,观测在不同植被盖度的小生境斑块内二者地上生物量分配格局的变化情况,并结合二者的克隆构型和生活史特征试图探讨产生这种格局的原因。结果表明:羊柴的地上各部分生物量对植被盖度变化的响应不如油蒿敏感。这或者是因为羊柴的游击型克隆构型决定其可以跨越小尺度斑块实现克隆生理整合,可以利用不同小生境斑块的资源导致的。油蒿只能利用小生境斑块内的资源,当小生境斑块的条件改变,其生物量以及配置方式也随之发生相应的变化。在繁殖方式上,羊柴的有性繁殖结构以及有性繁殖投资显著小于油蒿。在资源有限的条件下,对一种繁殖方式的投资常常会削弱另一种繁殖方式。羊柴主要依靠克隆繁殖,这或者符合并支持配置理论的观点。  相似文献   
采用地统计学方法对水曲柳人工纯林表层根量的估计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张志虎  王庆成 《生态学报》2005,25(4):923-930
采用地统计学的变异函数分析方法定量研究了水曲柳纯林表层根量的空间异质性特征,利用地统计学的克里格内插法结合定积分,对水曲柳纯林表层(0~10 cm)各类型根量进行了估测。结果表明:1)水曲柳细根(<2 mm)、粗根(≥2 mm)、活根和土壤总根变异函数曲线的理论模型符合球状模型,其它植物活根符合指数模型,水曲柳及其它植物死根符合线性模型。水曲柳及其它植物死根的空间变异主要是由随机性因素引起;水曲柳细根、粗根、活根、其它植物活根和土壤总根的空间变异主要是由结构性因素引起,且空间自相关程度均属中等(空间结构比在2 5 %和75 %之间)。水曲柳粗根的空间变异尺度为13.2 m,水曲柳细根、水曲柳活根、土壤总根和其它植物活根的空间变异尺度均大于33.9m。根据理论模型的拟合参数估计,水曲柳细根、水曲柳活根和土壤总根的空间变异尺度为6 1m,其它植物活根为183m。(2 )平均值成对二样本t检验结果表明,变异函数分析结果基础上的克里格内插法适用于水曲柳样地各空间位置处各类型根量的估计。利用此估计值,拟合其与位置坐标值之间的多元回归关系均为二元十次余弦级数多项式。利用此多项式,通过定积分的方法(积分区间为整块样地的大小) ,估计出水曲柳纯林表层根量为1.5 92 6 t/ hm2 ,水曲柳细根为0 .6 86 5 t/  相似文献   
土壤微生物量测定方法概述   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
土壤微生物量是土壤生态系统研究的重要参数之一。常用的土壤微生物量的测定方法主要包括:直接镜检法、熏蒸系列方法、底物诱导系列方法、成分分析法和比色法。对这些具体测定方法、原理及其优缺点进行了简要的评述,并指出了应用这些方法须注意的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
密度对濒危物种疏花水柏枝幼苗存活与生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
疏花水柏枝(Myricarialaxiflora)原产于三峡库区长江干流的河滩,三峡水库的蓄水淹没了其所有的野生种群,使之濒临绝灭。通过一系列的密度处理实验,我们研究了不同密度下疏花水柏枝幼苗的存活率、幼苗总生物量、地下生物量、地上生物量、一级枝数、二级枝数、一级枝长度的变化,揭示了密度对一年生幼苗存活与生长的影响。结果显示,随着密度的增加,疏花水柏枝种群内部的竞争加剧,幼苗的死亡率增加,特别是当密度大于250ind./m2时,死亡率显著上升,上述体现植株生长状况的各指标值也随密度的增加而显著减小。表明疏花水柏枝一年生幼苗的存活与生长受到密度的影响。文中还建立了密度影响下疏花水柏枝各构件部分生长发育的回归模型,解释了密度对它们的调节作用。最后对疏花水柏枝种群重建中的相关问题进行了分析讨论,以求为回归引种实践提供参考。  相似文献   
We studied the responses of leaf water potential (Ψw), morphology, biomass accumulation and allocation, and canopy productivity index (CPI) to the combined effects of elevated CO2 and drought stress in Caragana intermedia seedlings. Seedlings were grown at two CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μmol mol−1) interacted with three water regimes (60–70%, 45–55%, and 30–40% of field capacity of soil). Elevated CO2 significantly increased Ψw, decreased specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area ratio (LAR) of drought-stressed seedlings, and increased tree height, basal diameter, shoot biomass, root biomass as well as total biomass under the all the three water regimes. Growth responses to elevated CO2 were greater in well-watered seedlings than in drought-stressed seedlings. CPI was significantly increased by elevated CO2, and the increase in CPI became stronger as the level of drought stress increased. There were significant interactions between elevated CO2 and drought stress on leaf water potential, basal diameter, leaf area, and biomass accumulation. Our results suggest that elevated CO2 may enhance drought avoidance and improved water relations, thus weakening the effect of drought stress on growth of C. intermedia seedings.  相似文献   
Summary Bioflocculation of bacteria isolated from the marine biomass acclimatized to textile wastewater has been achieved. Pseudomonas was the main genus found in the marine biomass. This bacterium showed an important hydrophobicity but slightly weaker than that of pilot plant genera adapted to the conventional sewage. This hydrophobicity provided the bacteria with hydrophobic characters, especially those of the polymeric extracellular substances (ECS) released in the sewage. Whereas some factors such as the divalent cations, calcium and magnesium had an effect on this bacterial hydrophobicity, glucose concentration did not have any impact. Furthermore, the physiological state of the cells hatched in the sewage had an impact on the hydrophobicity. Indeed, during the logarithmic growth phase, cell hydrophobicity increase enhanced floc formation, thus improving wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
Summary A novel anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) configuration incorporating floating support media for biomass immobilization and biogas recirculation for enhanced mixing was used for anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. No pretreatment or solid liquid separation was applied. The reactor was operated at high influent volatile solids (VS) and organic loading rates (OLR) of up to 9.87% and 7.30 g VS/l day, respectively. After 149 days of continuous operation the results revealed that a high amount (38.1 g VSS) of biomass was able to attach itself to the support medium being used. The investigated AHR configuration achieved COD, BOD, TS, and VS removal efficiencies of 48–63, 64–78, 55–65, and 59–68%, respectively, at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 15 days. The corresponding average methane production value obtained in this study was 0.191 l/g VS added.  相似文献   
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